Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Play Date

Today Alexis had a little girl in her class over to play. This was the first time this particular girl has been over to our house. ( I will refer to her as "K"). They were in Alexis's room playing, and I was on the computer in my room. All of a sudden "K" was standing right next to me looking at me in an odd way. This is how our conversation went:

K- "My dad told me that once a wife killed her own husband"
Me- "Really? That is terrible!"
K- (looking around nervously) "Where is your husband?"
Me- (trying not to laugh) "He's at work, he will be home soon."
K- (looking very relieved) "Oh, OK!"

I had to laugh after she left the room. I am not quite sure how that came up in a conversation with her dad, but it obviously affected her quite a bit! I am constantly amazed at what kids come up with these days!

As a side note, Today I walked in the kitchen to find Levi playing in the sink. In the sink, floating in a pan that had soap and water in it, was my camera. It is drying out right now. I am praying that it still works, but not getting my hopes up =(


Babzanne Barker said...

That is so sad about your camera! Did Levi think it was getting dirty and needed a bath? That story about "K" really shows that you have to be careful what you say around children because they are always listening, and everything they hear has an effect on them.

Aspen said...

That is so dang funny! (Not about the camera of course.) I laughed out loud when I read this. I could see you being the black widow type... ;)

Katie said...

haha is this "K" the one from the daycare? That's so funny!!