Friday, January 4, 2008

Nose Plug

So I recently realized something. I plug my nose without realizing it. Now I am sure you are thinking, what is she talking about. I am not talking about plugging it with my fingers, but just holding my breath as if I am plugging my nose. A few weeks ago, I was changing Levi's diaper, and Brandon walked in and asked me something, When I answered him he told me that I was talking like I had my nose plugged. I then realized that I was totally holding my breath through my nose without even realizing it. Then tonight, poor little Tori, has the stomach flu =(. Well she didn't make it to the bathroom on time and threw up all over our bedroom floor. As I was scrubbing the floor, Brandon walked in and immediately gagged as if he was going to throw up. I was like, "what?" considering the fact that I was the one cleaning it up, and I hadn't even gagged once! I then realized that I had been holding my breath through my nose this whole time, and had never even smelled anything! I thought this was funny. I am sure that I picked up this habit sometime within the past 6 years that I have been changing diapers and cleaning up gross things. It comes in quite handy though, and I totally recommend it. Actually I just realized that as I am typing this I am totally holding my breath. I guess just thinking about it makes me do it! LoL


Babzanne Barker said...

Oh no! Now Tori is sick! I hope you are all better soon. Daniel about passed out at Costco because he got so tired out, and we were only there less than an hour.

Kristalyn said...

What is it with all of this sickness going around? My nose has been stuffed up and that's so sad about Tori...and then what mom wrote about Daniel almost passing out is so sad! Anyways...back to your post...that's the coolest thing, I'll have to see if I do that the next time I change Mason's diaper! haha

AJ and Cindy said...

I probably bring all the sickness when I come home to visit! :( how sad about daniel, i hope he doesn't have a seizure...but anyways,... I totally do this nose plug thing too! Whenever I change diapers at work I automatically do that, and everyone is like,"eww that smells so bad" but i can hardly smell it, its like an automatic response!

Annie said...

Diana, you're a cute mom.

Kari said...

Haha, I do that too. You can only take so much of gross smells, and with kids there are always WAY to many. Luckily I haven't had to clean up any throw up in a while, but now that I've said that I probably will soon.