Monday, July 30, 2007

Difference is Personalities

I have always known that my girls had quite different personalities, but an experience this past weekend, made it even more evident. We have been battleing a few different sickneses around our house this past week. One of them being the stomach flu. Alexis had it first. She awoke in the middle of the night feeling very sick, and so she cam in my bed and slept with us moaning and groaning all night long, finally throwing up. On Saturday we had a big family picture scheduled so I got the kids up and gave them a bath, did their hair and we were about ready to go, when Tori said "mommy, I threw up last night" This caught me a little off guard. I said "what do you mean? where?" She said "on my bed, I will show you" We walked into her bedroom, and sure enough, there it was all over her bed and the floor. I said "How come you didn't come and get me??" She answered by saying "I was still tired so I went back to sleep." I asked if she had a tummy ache, and if she cried. She said "yes" but wasn't the least bit sad or anything about. I on the other hand felt like the worst mom ever, and was so sad imagining my sweet little Tori alone in her bed, feeling sick, without her mommy to comfort her. When we moved into this house, I decided the girls didn't need the baby monitor in their room anymore seeing that they are 6, and almost 4 years old. I think I will be rethinking that decision now.


Kari said...

Poor thing! I can't believe she just went back to sleep with the throwup on her bed. hope they get feeling better soon :)

Bethany said...

Boo! That is sad. It is so hard to see your own children suffer.

The Mattinson's said...

That is so sad. You are a great mom Diana, I am sure she just figured you would comfort her in the morning.