Saturday, July 7, 2007


Tori had a bad dream a few nights ago. She said that she went out our back gate and went into the neighbors yard and a fox and a bear started to chase her. Well she was really quite distraught over this, and throughout the day she kept brining it up. Last night we were driving back from the gym, and the girls were talking in the back seat. This is the conversation Brandon and I overheard:
Tori: "Lexi, whenever you have bad dreams what do you do
to not be scared"
Alexis: "I just try to think of happy things, and then I
don't feel scared anymore. Sometimes I go into mommy and daddy's room too."
How sweet, it was that sweet little Tori turned to her big sister for advice. =) I just had to share that tender little moment between sisters. I hope they will always be close, and able to confide in eachother, when they need advice.


Babzanne Barker said...

That was so sweet! Yes, it is wonderful when little sisters grow up to be best friends.