Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Worst. Mom. EVER!

I am feeling really bad. Today Alexis had science club after school. It is right after school. When she has Girl Scouts it goes until 4:30. For some reason I assumed that was when science club ended too. So I am at home with the kids and we are doing a little craft, and I glance at the clock. The time said 4:07. I have plenty of time to finish the craft I thought. I then had the thought, what if it ends at 4:15? So I went upstairs and logged onto the school website to see. I click on the science club page and it said 3:15-4:00!! I begin to instantly panic. It is now 4:10 and all I can imagine in Alexis sitting outside of her school waiting for me, and me not being there. I ran downstairs yelling, we have to go now! We are late! Alexis is all alone! all the kids looked at me like I was crazy, but they followed me out the door, each with no shoes on. I got them all loaded in the car, and rushed to the school. Sure enough..there she was.. all alone sad as could be. Could at least one other parent be late?? NO. Just me. I felt so terrible. Especially when I saw her sad little face. She said, "Mom, I was so scared that you weren't coming". Talk about rubbing salt in the wound! I think I win the award for worst mom of the day. Thank goodness she is so forgiving. I still feel awful though. =(


Celeste said...

That would be a scary feeling...for both of you. But don't worry, my mom was late picking me up for just about EVERYTHING my whole childhood. If this is the first time, I'd say you're still a great mom!

. said...

You're not the worst mom - you're a normal mom! It is great to have forgiving children though, isn't it?

Babzanne Barker said...

You are even better than normal--you are one of the best moms I know! Poor little Lexi, though--I feel bad that she was scared. :( Do you remember that I forgot to pick Michael up from kindergarten one day the first week he was there? I totally forgot he was even in school! (Sorry you had such a rough day, today. Tomorrow will have to be better....)Love, Mom

Z. Marie said...

Oh, yeah, there were so many times my mom picked me up late as a kid. This won't be the only time it ever happens, and she'll recover just fine.