Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids say the funniest things sometimes

Tori and Levi both said cute things today so I thought I would write them down before I forget.
I was driving Tori to school this morning and our conversation went like this:
Me- " I love you Tori"
Tori- "I love you too mommy"
Me- "You are my sweet little girl"
Tori-" You are my sweet big mommy".
(I know she didn't mean this in a mean way)Later when were walking Levi into his preschool a little boy saw Levi and yelled, "Hi Levi!". Levi said hi back. I then asked Levi what the little boy's name was. Without pausing Levi replied, "He named Kid". These things may not be funny to anyone else, but I got a good chuckle out of both of them today =)


Katie said...

haha i actually laughed out loud when i read what Levi said :)

Babzanne Barker said...

It's so good to write down the funny things they say when they're little. What Tori said reminded me of when I told you how much I liked your new coat, and you replied (you were four) "Maybe when you get little you can have one."