Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Decorating for Christmas

We actually decorated the day after Thanksgiving, but I am just getting around to downloading the pictures off of my camera. My Sister Cindy is so good about posting things right after they happen, so I am going to try and be better. I promised the girls that we would decorate the day afer Thanksgiving. (That was before I realized that I would be in line at Best Buy at 1 am the night before for a doorbuster, but that is a whole different story). I couldn't let them know that though, so I had to put on a happy face . It wasn't hard though seeing that I love Christmas and it doesn't take more then a glance into the Christmas decorations box to get me into the Christmas spirit. It was so much fun. The kids had a blast looking through the ornament box and finding all of the ones that were theirs. That is one of my favorite past times. Growing up we all had our own ornament boxes, and it was so much fun to put our very own ornaments onto the tree. Even though the only place my kiddos happened to put the ornaments was in a big clump in the front, I didn't intervene and move them all around. ( until later that night that is). Tori was very excited that she got to put the star on the top. This year was also the first year that we have a fireplace to hang our stockings on. The first thing our kids noticed when we were looking through this house, was the hooks already hanging by the fireplace ready for stockings to be hung. I just love seeing the excitement in my children's faces, as they anxiously count down until Santa comes


Kari said...

How fun! We decided not to get out our decorations since we'll just have to pack them up again anyway for the move so its kinda boring around here. But we're going to do the tree as soon as we get moved in so that will be fun!