Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hello from Rexburg! Brrrrrrrrr!!

I want to be better about posting now that we are in Idaho to keep everyone updated on the happenings in our life here. I haven't posted much about our decision to move or the details of it, mostly because I was pretty much in denial; all the way up until I was driving away, following the moving truck, and sobbing, after just having said goodbye to my parents and Michael. I dreaded the goodbyes, and they were all every bit as hard as I imagined. One thing that I have learned through this whole process, is that if you put your trust and faith in Heavenly Father, he will provide a way. This past July, after a very hard and unexpected change in Brandon's employment. We were feeling lost, and discouraged.We didn't know what to do and were frustrated at the disappointments that kept coming our way when it came to Brandon's jobs. One Sunday, we went to talk with out wonderful Bichop about the things that were happening. We talked to him of our sadness and the discouragement about our current situation and how it seemed to be a cycle that was happening over and over again. Over the course of our meeting with him, he was so loving and kind. But he bluntly told us, that Brandon needed to get his education or our life would continue on this same path. I can't say that was exactly what we wanted to hear. We didn't see any possible way that Brandon could work full time and have the time to do well in school. It would take forever, because he would probably only be able to take one class at a time. The bishop listened to our concerns, and then said, "Why not go to BYUI? Move to Rexburg, and attend BYUI?  The cost of living is way less then here, the tuition is way less, and the atmosphere you would be getting the education in would be priceless." We were at a loss for words, and didn't really see at first how that could be a possibility. But by the end of the meeting, Brandon and I both knew this was what we needed to pursue. The feelings that we both had, came as a shock, but were very strong, that this was the direction we needed to go right now. We prayed about it, talked a lot about it, and went to the Temple. The answer was clear. This is what we were supposed to do. From the moment that we made the decision to do this, everything fell into place. That's not to say it was easy, because these past five months have been some of the most stressful and trying times. As Brandon applied to BYUI , was accepted, and as we prepared to move our family 12 hours away from everything we had grown to know and love we were faced with many challenges that we have had to go through. Along with the challenged came an abundance of blessings and tender mercies. Brandon's dad gave him a job working for his window company. We were so grateful for that. He worked long hard hours, but we felt so blessed to have that income while we prepared to move. He also took a class at ACC in order to fulfill a requirement for BYUI. I was taking three classes online, working part time at Gymboree, part time for my dad, and watching my friend's kids two days a week. We miraculously were able to make enough money to pay our rent up until December's rent, which was pre-paid when we signed the lease on our home. We were tired, we were discouraged. But every time we would start to feel down, something would happen that would lift us up, and help us to know that we were doing the right thing. The only thing that got me through those tiring months was knowing that it was almost over; and that it would not be like that for much longer. I really feel like it was so hard at the very end, because Heavenly Father was helping us to see, that this was why were were doing this, so that we didn't have to scramble to make ends meet; that there was a way to make things easier, and that was for Brandon to get his degree. To top it off, moving during the holidays was so hard as well. I felt so badly that we didn't have a tree up, or decorations around the house. I felt that my kids were getting gypped. I felt so guilty for taking them away from their friends, our family, our support system! But they have been wonderful. There have been many tears, but overall, they have been so strong and such troopers through this all. It was really hard to pack up our house, but we had so much help from family and dear friends.  I can not believe we got it done, but we did. Angels were sent to help us and provide a way. We were overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity that was shown to our family. The experiences we had helped us to know once again, that we were doing the right thing.  Through the past few months I have had a line to a song stuck in my head, playing over and over again as if it is stuck on repeat. It is a song sung by The Fray. The line is "Sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same."  That is so true!  This has been so hard. So, so hard. Brandon and I have never lived away from our parents. We have such good friends in Colorado. Our kids were attending a wonderful school, and had wonderful friends. So, even thoough we know this is the right thing for our family at this time, it has also been one of the hardest things. I hope and pray, that after all is said and done, we will be able to say that it has all been worth it.

Here we are in front of our new home in Rexburg. Katie and Kevin Beyerlein took this as they were driving away, on their way back home to Colorado after helping us to move and get settled. (Notice my tear stained face after another hard goodbye?)
 More pictures and details of the move to come!


Anonymous said...

I can't avoid cry in the enter post, we miss you a lot guys :( but I know this is the best decision for you, i hope everything doing well! we love you soooooo much :)

AJ and Cindy said...

you can't keep writing this way or I'm going to be blubbering mess! LOL Jk, I love you guys and just KNOW this was the right decision and you have huge blessings coming your way!

Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you all for doing this hard, right thing! I know that angels wil continue to watch over you.