Monday, February 8, 2010

Did I Overreact?

This morning Tori and Alexis were all ready for school, and they were sitting at the counter eating cereal for breakfast. They weren't very happy with the cereal selection so they were pouting a little. I ran upstairs to grab something, and when I came back down they looked happy as ever! "Oh did you decide you liked the cereal?" I asked. To which they replied "no, but we like the popcorn chicken!" Panic began to set in as I realized that they were eating the leftover popcorn chicken from lunch THE DAY BEFORE! It was still sitting out on the counter (which embarrassingly shows how on top of doing the dishes I am). But that aside, I was a little freaked out. I informed them that they were now probably going to get really really sick, and why would they ever think that eating old chicken was a good idea!! I admit I may have overreacted a little bit. I told them I had to go ask dad if he thought we needed to get their stomachs pumped (ok. ok, I know...MAJOR overreaction) I didn't actually think we would have to do that, but I wanted to scare them a little. (I am so mean!!!) Anyways, after talking to Brandon we decided that they better stay home just in case it did make them sick. I told them they better go back to bed and wait for the stomach aches to set in. Well to make a long story short, they were fine all day. Am I wrong in thinking that day old chicken sitting out on the counter is kind of bad to eat?? My mom and sister seemed to sympathize, but tonight I had a dad of a little girl in Tori's Daisy troop come by to pick up girl scout cookies. He said that his wife said to ask if Tori was ok, since she wasn't in school. So I told him the whole story thinking that he would sympathize as well, to which I just received a blank stare that seemed to say, 'You are weird'. I am very relieved that they are fine, but I am starting to feel silly for making such a big deal out of it....


Lynsey said...

I would do the same thing and I don't think it is a good idea to eat day old chicken. I won't let Joseph drink milk if it has been sitting out for a couple of hours.

Katie said...

haha...that's funny. I eat food that sits out overnight all the time. Then again, I always feel kind of sick ;-)

AJ and Cindy said...

lol I would have reacted the same way! I am glad they are okay though! haha

Celeste said...

I don't think you overreacted! I would have been just as freaked out. You never know what could happen with food poisoning. Plus, you kinda have to be extreme to get the point across to kids! next time hopefuly they will just eat the cereal. =)

The Mattinson's said...

either they will think okay I am never going to pout about cereal choices or I am going to do that again to stay out of school.

Babzanne Barker said...

Haha! There are so many things about being a mom that you just have to learn as you go along! I would have reacted just like you, except I probably would have made my children (you and your siblings) go to school anyway and then wait in dread all day for a phone call from the nurse!

Kristalyn said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves food out too long. I might have eaten it myself, but I would have gotten mad if the boys ate it and gotten worried about them. I can't believe that dad didn't at least offer a littel understanding, even if it was just for politeness sake.

Mars said...

I don't think so. I always get scared food is going to make me sick. Even if it's not left out for a day. Glad they are ok though!