Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Mine

Today some kids said some mean things to Tori and hurt her feelings =(. Brandon picked her up from school and could tell something was not quite right. When I got home I took her aside and finally got her to tell me. Anyone who knows Tori, knows she never complains and keeps things to herself a lot. It breaks my heart to see her precious feelings hurt. She cuddled up next to me and fell asleep. I had my sisters blog pulled up on the computer and this song, "Baby Mine" by Allison Krauss started playing on her play list on her blog. As I listened to the words- "baby mine don't you cry baby mine dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart never to part baby of mine...... let those eyes sparkle and shine never to cry baby of mine" It brought tears to my eyes as I looked down to my sweet little Tori curled up next to me sound asleep. Oh how my heart hurts when her heart hurts. Oh how I wish I could just scoop her up, keep her close to me forever so she doesn't have to experience the hard things in life. I am sure this is just the first of the hurt feelings and sad times that she will experience throughout her life. I am so not ready for it! There are so many joys that come with being a mother, but with joy comes the tears, and heartache as well. I hope she always knows she can come to me and I will wipe away her tears and always be there for her. I remember curling up in my mom's lap and crying when I was younger. Now my little girl is curling up in my lap. Oh how I love my precious Tori.


AJ and Cindy said...

mom told me what happened :( it made me get tears :( and reading your post got me all emotional. sweet little tori, we love her so much!

Katie said...

That makes me so sad :( Poor little Tori, I can't believe anyone would be mean to her!

Babzanne Barker said...

You are such a good mom! I didn't know at the time but I think I've learned that children just need to know they can always depend on their moms to be there for them, no matter what.

Lynsey said...

Oh your post made me cry and I can't believe that someone would be mean to Tori. She is lucky to have a mom like you that she can come to when she has a bad day.

Celeste said...

Oh that makes me sad. Poor girl. That is why I'm already dreading sending my little guy to school. It's scary having them away from you where anyone can say or do things like that.

Mars said...

How sad. But you are such a good mom.

Kristalyn said...

Poor sweet Tori. :( This made me cry to think of someone hurting her feelings. I wish we could just shelter our kids from all the meanness that they will encounter. Tori is such a sweet girl. SHe's lucky to have you for a mom.