Yesterday Brandon took Alexis skiing for the first time. She was beyond excited, and didn't even complain when we made her go to bed early the night before so she would be well rested. Brandon and her got up really early so they would be there in plenty of time to get her enrolled in a class and get to the right place. Here they are waiting in the lobby, excited to start their day. A few minutes after they took these pictures they got ready to go to Alexi's class only to realize that they were on the completely wrong side of the resort! They had to hurry out to the van, drive to the other side, ride a bus, then a gondola. They made it just in the nick of time
She had such a blast learning to ski. Her teacher said she had the perfect attitude and was a natural. Brandon stuck around most of the day, watching her. He took hundreds of pictures. Here are some of the best ones.
Alexis stuck with this girl in the red coat all day. They became fast friends and would help each other out along the way.
Here she is going up the ramp that took the kids up to the top of a little hill that they would ski down. She took her coat off at this point because she was too hot.
Here she is on her very first lift ride. Aren't there supposed to be seat belts on those things or something??? lol
Here's another little contraption that they used to pull the kids up the mountain
She had so much fun! After her class was over, her and Brandon went on a few runs together. On the last run they got stuck on a blue, and Brandon slowly guided her down. He said he only had to jump in front of her a few times to stop her. She was determined to make it to the bottom and she did great! I am so glad that she had such a good experience her first time skiing. The first time usually determines if you are going to like it. My first time was very traumatizing and I haven't been much since. I am glad to see that she will not be following in my footsteps. She is going to take a few more lessons this year. She has Tori and Levi wanting to go now too, so we are going to get them in some lessons too.
To end with, here is a little video Brandon took towards the end of the day.
What great pictures!! :) I'm glad she loved going! I always hated it when I went..haha. She looks like a natural! Maybe she'll be in the olympics sometime ;-)
Way to go Alexis! Glad to see that she did such a good time her first time and had fun. I have never been much of a fan of it myself.
What a fun day for Brandon and Alexis! Justin can't wait to take Xander. Your pictures reminded me of my first ski class when I was in 3rd grade and we had just moved here from Atlanta. Good times.
How fun! She looks like a natural for sure. :)
I'm glad she is such a good little athlete and had so much fun! (Looks like Dad had fun, too!)
wow--go Alexis! that's awesome!
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