Sunday, September 19, 2010

Learning to Ride Bikes

Brandon decided it was way past time that Tori learned how to ride a two wheeler. We have gone on several bike rides as a family this summer and those training wheels are just slowing her down and making it frustrating for her. Yesterday, Brandon took her outside and within about 10 minutes she was riding on her own! What an accomplishment! Tori is so excited to be finally riding without her training wheels. Brandon started teaching Levi too. He was having a bit of a harder time and didn't quite master it yesterday. They all headed back out today though, and he was going in no time! We had him start out on one of the girls old bikes because it was smaller and easier. Levi wanted to try on his own bike, so Brandon took off the training wheels while he waiting patiently =)

Here is a video I took of them both riding. This is before Levi tried with his bike. Try to ignore the fact that I have a very delayed reaction to them nearly crashing right into each other! lol


Lynsey said...

Way to go Tori and Levi!! I always loved riding my bike as a kid, except when my mom taught me to ride and I ran straight into a mailbox. :) Guess it didn't do to much damage I kept riding.

Celeste said...

I love that picture of Levi waiting for his training wheels to come off. He looks so much like Brandon!

AJ and Cindy said...

I love all your blogs, I will have to eventually go through and comment on all of them! So glad to see such cute pictures!