Tori had an eventful end to the summer. At the beginning of August she broke her right arm right above the elbow. It wasn't too bad of a break, but definitely needed a cast. I feel so bad about how it happened! Tori has never been one to climb in bed with us at night. She occasionally does, but not very often at all. Well on this particular night she had a bad dream and wanted to climb in bed with me. I rolled over and let her slide up next to me. I am not exactly sure how it happened, but I remember sitting up in bed, and the next thing I new Tori rolled right off and landed with a thud on the floor! I jumped out of bed yelling Tori! She started to whimper a little as I lifted her up onto the bed. She kept on saying Ow, over and over, but we could never get her to tell us where it hurt. She seemed very out of it. Brandon felt her arm all over and it felt ok. A few minutes later she drifted off to sleep. In the morning when she woke up she kept complaining that her arm hurt whenever she moved it. Even though it didn't appear to be broken, we thought it would be a good idea to get it x-rayed just in case. I called the doctor and got her in right away. As we were in the xray room waiting for the xray, the technician asked her what happened. Her response was, "I don't know" They looked a little confused, and it was then that I realized she didn't even remember what had happened! We knew that she was acting really out of it when it happened, but we figured she would at least remember it! Even though she had cried when it happened she actually slept through the whole thing! I quickly explained what had happened to the doctor. When they left the room I told Tori that she needed to tell the doctor what happened when they asked so they don't think I hurt her or something! lol It was actually pretty funny =) It was so hard watching her arm get the xray. She sobbed and sobbed as the doctor forced her arm to turn a way that caused her a lot of pain. They sent us back to wait for the doctor. He came in and told us it was broken! They wrapped her arm and told her that we would need to wait a week, before we got the hard cast put on so that the swelling could all go down. She actually thought it was pretty cool to have a broken arm, and she loved the sling that she got! She chose to get a dark purple hard cast, and we had to fight for it, but we got a waterproof liner. Thank goodness, because we got the cast put on 2 days before we left on our trip to Las Vegas where we spent 2 days on the lake. A waterproof cast was a definite must have!
Here she is right afterwards holding a paper towel to her mouth. I realized I didn't have many pictures of her purple cast so I had her hold it up so I could get 2 pictures in one.
What an ending to what I am sure was a fun summer. :)
Wow- busy time for Tori! Even withi a missing tooth, she has the cutest little smile.
Wow eventful! Glad her arm is ok though!
sweet Tori. I forgot about her breaking her arm {momentarily} I am glad it is documented now!
Wow--I sure missed a lot of blogs in the past few weeks! Tori looks so cute in all these pictures!
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