Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Baby Kittens

Three weeks ago our cat, (Sarah),had kittens. We knew that there was a chance that she would end up pregnant since we had a boy and a girl cat. We did end up getting the boy (Ash) neutered. But obviously not soon enough. It actually has been a pretty fun experience for our family. I knew the day was going to come soon, and I didn't know what to expect, so when all of a sudden she was obviously not pregnant anymore a little bit of panic set in. We noticed that Sarah kept jumping up into our hall closet. Brandon started digging around and sure enough, there were 4 baby kittens back there! They were sooo tiny. I took tons of pictures, but they are on my missing camera. Since then they have grown so big, and we finally are able to hold them more. Last night I took a bunch of pictures of them. This little blonde one is our favorite: I can't believe how small they are. If only they would stay this small!

This afternoon I walked into the girl's room and found this:

The kids decided to make a house for the baby kittens. I lifted up one of the blankets and saw this.
They set up their pony castle and put their umbrellas around it, and then covered it with blankets. We will have the kittens for another 5 weeks, and then they will be going to new homes. (Although Brandon and the kids are trying very hard to talk me into keep the little blond one, because "Levi needs his own kitten") Why do they have to be so dang cute!
On a side note, today we went to the coolest park. We call it the sprinkler park. IT is off of Belleview and Windemere. The kids had so much fun, and are already talking about going back. I got out the camera at the beginning to take some pictures. All of the kids were running around so much that this is the only good shot I got.
It's been fun to try out a bunch of new fun places to bring the kids. Levi crashed when we got home. I found him sleeping like this in the doorway of the girls room. He set up this little bed all by himself.


AJ and Cindy said...

That kitty is so cute, and I don't even like you need to write about the mouse...

Katie said...

i love those little kittens! too bad they don't say that way forever. their eyes are so pretty!! i think you should keep the blonde one :-D that picture of levi asleep is so adorable!

Z. Marie said...

Ooooo, I wish we still were there so we could get a kitten! I might even let you keep the little blonde one.

Linsi said...

I love the house they made for the kittens--I bet they had so much fun making it!