Monday, July 5, 2010

My Aunt's Journals

This past week was activity days day camp. The theme was PJ's (prayer, journals and scriptures) The girls came in their pajamas, had breakfast, and then went to three different classes. Our ward leaders were in charge of the journals class. I had no idea how much teaching this class would affect me. I volunteered to do the lesson. I really don't like giving lessons, so I wasn't too excited about this. I am so glad that I did though. I wanted to show the girls some examples of journals of a few different people. I brought one of mine from when I was younger, and then I went to my mom's house and borrowed my Aunt Kristin's journals that she had kept, and that my aunt and uncle had printed into books. My aunt passed away at the far too young age of 26, leaving behind a husband and three small children. Throughout her life she had faithfully kept a journal. Something that has come to be a treasure to her family members. As I was preparing for my lesson I started reading through her journals to find something I may be able to share. As I began to read I found it hard to put them down. It felt as if I was reading a favorite novel, and could hardly wait to get to the next part! I was 2 years old when she died and the only memory that I have of her is standing in the kitchen and her leaning down to my level and with a big smile on her face, asking me if I wanted a cookie. For some reason I have always remembered that, and only that! Reading her journals has given me a glimpse into her life and to who she was. I have grown to love her so much as I have read about her life. There are certain things that remind me so much of myself, my sisters and my mom. As I was going through a particularly hard time this past week I got up early one morning, read my scriptures and then started reading her journals where I had left off. As I began to read I couldn't believe it as I read an entry which was so similar to what I was going through. The words she wrote were so inspiring to me and helped me to be able to handle the situation in a much better way then I probably would have. When she was so faithful in writing in her journal long before I was even born, little did she know of the affect that her words would have on her measly little niece! I have been filled with so much joy and inspiration as I have read and learned from her. I have been talking to my mom a lot about her lately and it is so fun to hear stories from when they were growing up. I have gained a testimony of the importance of keeping a journal, and have started a daily personal journal of my own. One thing that I have learned from reading her journals is how important it is to record all of the little things that happen day to day, and how they may seem like little things now, they really may make a difference in those family members lives that come after we have left this life.


AJ and Cindy said...

that is so cool. i am glad auntie kris' journal brought you some peace this week :) i think i would benefit from them as well. i wish i had a memory of her, but i feel like i know her just through our mom ;) i love you!

Lynsey said...

It is really so interesting to learn about our family members through their journals. I have always been one of those people who are very hit and miss with keeping one, but this year I am making a very hard effort to keep one so that some day my children may be able to read them.

Katie said...

I really liked reading this! I have always wanted to read her journals as well. I'm glad that they helped you out :) Journals are great!

Babzanne Barker said...

That was such a sweet and heartfelt post, Diana. I'm so grateful that Auntie Kris could touch your life so many years after she wrote those journals. I have loved seeing how much you have loved reading them!

Celeste said...

What a neat experience. I always wonder why I bother writing in a journal but this gives me some mtoivation to keep donig it.