We had another storm pass through here this past weekend. On Saturday night Brandon and I went over to a friends house to play games. It was snowing very lightly when we got there but by the time we left it had snowed at least 6 inches, maybe more. The next day we woke up to an email that church had been cancelled due to the snow. Was it bad that I was excited about this?? It was so nice to just have a relaxing day at home with the family. We slept in and lounged around for most of the morning. After lunch I made a Thankful tree with the kids. I have been wanting to for a while, so it was the perfect day to do it. The kids had a lot of fun helping me and coloring different leaves to show what they are thankful for.
By this point in the day the snow had slowed down, and the kids wanted to go outside to play. I am not a big fan of playing in the snow. It is such an ordeal to get them all bundled up, and then an even bigger ordeal to clean up the wet mess they bring back in with them. But, I can't deprive them of the snow, so we bundled them up and out they went. Levi lasted for about 20 minutes, and then he was ready to come inside for hot chocolate. Alexis and Tori stayed out there for 2 1/2 hours! They had fun building a snow fort and pushing around the snow with our snow shovel. I was so surprised that they lasted that long! Here are a few pictures I snapped from inside:
It was a great relaxing Sunday spent at home. The kids were hoping they would cancel school today, but there was no such luck! Oh well, I am sure there will be another snow storm one of these days!